Na internet unikli ďalšie dve fotografie kamery GoPro HERO6 Black. Prvá znázorňuje jednotlivé zloženie kamery a druhá používateľské prostredie. Presnejšie ide o zmenu zorného poľa, ktoré sa bude prepínať jednoduchým dotykom. V predošlom modely GoPro HERO5 Black sa zorné pole menilo posúvaním po bočnej strane. Celkovo všetky nastavenia sa tak menia (ISO, EV, WB). Je to fajn, ale posúvanie - dotyk v kamere HERO5 Black podľa nás nefunguje na 100%. Tešíme sa na nové užívateľské rozhranie 🙂
Uniknuté zalistovanie: HERO6 Black creates from your adventures the amazing QuikStories on the phone. The camera is equipped with a brand new GP1 chip, new level video stabilization and is twice as powerful. Adding voice control and durable waterproof design, HERO6 Black is the ultimate GoPro to share your life. HERO6 Black sends a record to the phone, where it automatically adjusts it to a wonderful video. Compared to the HERO5 Black, the HERO6 Black boasts two-fold performance: the video shoots in 4K60 and 1080p240. Thanks to the brand-new GP1 chip optimized for GoPro shooting, HERO6 Black delivers enormous video quality improvements and a quiet, stabilized image. Whether you're shooting from a camera or camera, our most advanced stabilization captures a super smooth and still image. Without packaging in water. The HERO6 Black is waterproof up to 10m without the need for additional cover. HERO6 Black can be easily controlled using commands such as "GoPro shoot burst" (GoPro Record burst). The camera is equipped with 5GHz Wi-Fi so you can copy photos and videos to your phone 3 times faster than HERO5 Black. New features include touch zoom and improved user interface. The 5cm display makes it easier to focus on the subject, change settings, and playback. You can capture still high quality photos in RAW and HDR modes. Package contents: • HERO6 Black camera • The Frame - Frame (HERO6 Black / HERO5 Black) • rechargeable battery (HERO6 Black / HERO5 Black) • curved self-adhesive holder • flat self-adhesive bracket • clamp buckle • USB-C cable Zdroj: nejkrasnejsikluk, abekislievitz
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